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May 7, 2024

May Security Awareness Newsletter: Top 3 Ways Cyberattackers Target You

Top 3 Ways Cyberattackers Target You Social engineering attacks, in which adversaries trick people into doing something they shouldn’t, are one of the most common methods that cyber attackers use to target people. The concept has been used by con…

May 1, 2024

Preventing Identity Theft

How to Prevent Identity Theft What is Identity Theft? Identity theft involves criminals obtaining your personal information such as social security numbers, credit card or account numbers, even birth certificates and passports for their own use. Accounts are opened in…

May 1, 2024

Computer Health Practices

Keeping Your Computer Healthy The Internet is a powerful and useful tool, but in the same way that you shouldn’t drive without buckling your seat belt, you shouldn’t venture online without taking some basic precautions. Most households now run devices…

May 1, 2024

Email Safety Practices

Email Safety: Spam, Phishing and Spear Phishing Spam Spam is the electronic equivalent of junk mail. The term refers to unsolicited, bulk – and often unwanted – email. Phishing attacks use email or malicious websites (clicking on a link) to…

May 1, 2024

Take Steps to Secure Your Business from CISA.Gov

During National Small Business Week, Take Steps to Secure Your Business Released: April 29, 2024 By: Alaina Clark, Assistant Director for Stakeholder Engagement, CISA URL:https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/during-national-small-business-week-take-steps-secure-your-business RELATED TOPICS: CYBERSECURITY BEST PRACTICES, MULTIFACTOR AUTHENTICATION, ORGANIZATIONS AND CYBER SAFETY This year, during National…

March 7, 2024

March Security Awareness Newsletter: Messaging Do’s and Don’ts

Messaging Do’s and Don’ts Overview  Messaging serves as a primary mode of communication in both our personal and professional lives. However, quite often we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to text messaging safely and securely. Learn…

February 14, 2024

February Security Awareness – Identity Theft: Preventing, Detecting, and Responding

Detecting Identity Theft Early detection is one of the most powerful ways you can protect yourself. The sooner you detect your identity is being used by someone else, the sooner you can act. Some of the most common indications of…

January 14, 2024

January Security Awareness – QR Codes

Overview: Have you ever wondered what those squares of dots or bars called “QR codes” are all about? You most likely have seen them posted on websites, printed on posters, used as mobile tickets, or on restaurant tables. How do…

May 1, 2020

Preventing Adult Abuse

Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation The following material was taken from an official publication of: Bureau of Elder and Adult Services Department of Human Services 11 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0011 Christine Gianopoulos, Director What is Adult Abuse, Neglect…